Here are some sculptures by artist Franz West by the side of a canal. Are they poop's??? Doobies??? Nobody knows!!!

We saw this art installation by artist Madeleine Berkheimer at the gallery TENT. in Rotterdam. Oops!!! (Please note: the period after the word TENT is supposed to be there. It's just like Detroit's own "ADULT.").

Dutch artist David Bade made this sculpture located in a busy city intersection. Some people don't like it because it looks just like garbage. It does look a little like garbage but it's still great!!!

This is what the TIME STEREO video installation at NIGHTTOWN looked like. It was a part of the MOTEL MOZAIQUE festival. We showed movies like THE CLOUD, ABOUT FROG, THE MAGIC MINING KNOMES, CAMBODIA & THE PEOPLES ARMY, and a lot more.

They have a lot of funny buildings in Rotterdam, Holland!!!
COMING SOON: A visit to Paris including works by Hans Bellmer, Frank Stella, Richard Serra and a bunch more!!!
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